Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Funny conversations

Today at work we were talking about the funny things that have happened over the years in the office. I said I sure wished I'd kept them written down, they might make an interesting book. The thing is though, sometimes you have to know the people and personalities involved to really see the humor in it all.

Anyway.. it's fun to laugh at work isn't it?! It's the best part of the day when that happens. There are so many folks out there that don't have jobs and things to brighten their day. I'm feeling pretty fortunate.

1 comment:

VanMillersma said...

We have a lot of hilarious conversations at work. Most of them are not repeatable, because my co-workers have potty mouths. But the rest don't make any sense out of context. Tad always asks me how we get any real work done ... I just point out the next day's paper and say we must have gotten something done, and there's the proof.