Monday, March 10, 2008


I love going to the movies. But when I'm there, if I don't like it all I can think about is how I could be home sewing!

Anyway, here's a list of recent movies I've seen:

1. 10,000 B.C - very different, interesting, lot's of people with mud caked all over their bodies.

2. Elizabeth - The Golden Age - Loved the costumes! WOW! To live in the times that you put on those cool clothes! I liked this movie. It had a love story, some action, great scenery.

3. The Bucket List - Not as funny as they advertised. They had a good idea for a movie, but spent too much time on the "dying" parts.

4. Vantage Point - Action was good, it was a different way to film a show. I think there were 6 or more different points of view shown in the movie. Thus.."Vantage Point". Once they quit going back and showing the same thing, I enjoyed it.

Those are the most recent ones I went to see, except for Elizabeth, which was a rental.

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